"The German Language Society (GLS) is a German-interest, non-profit organization based in Washi..
"The German Wine Society Capital Chapter pursues this single goal: to be the premier non-profit..
"The society was named in honor of Hedwig Stauffacher, the fearless wife of Werner Stauffacher,..
"We are a group that comes together to practice the arts and to enjoy a good sense of humor. We..
"Schuhplattler und Gebirgstrachten Verein Washingtonia translates to Shoe-slapping and Mountain..
"The “Alt-Washingtonia” Schuhplatter Verein has been preserving authentic Bavarian schuhpla..
"We are a Club of Swiss people and friends of Switzerland in the Washington metropolitan area i..
"Looking for SWISS nationals (men, women, children (age 10 and up) who would like to participat..
"Das große Abenteuer mit der deutschen Sprache in DC beginnt hier... komm doch vorbei!"..
"Early in 1851 a few young Germans of the choir of the Concordia Church located at 20th & G Sts..