"John Welcker, a German immigrant who first settled in New York, traveled to Washington in 1861..
"Founded in 1859, the Washington Journal was - for many years until 1999 - the oldest continuou..
"Washington's first Jewish congregation began in 1852 when twenty-one German-speaking immigrant..
"Welcome to Washington’s historic German Protestant congregation! Most of our German congrega..
"Emile (originally Emil) Berliner was born in Hanover, Germany, on May 20, 1851 Enticed by the ..
"Tenleytown is one of the oldest communities in the District of Columbia, second only to George..
Meeting place of many German organizations in DC, including the Concordia Circle, the German-Am..
"William A. and Anna Petersen lived across the street from Ford's Theater in a plain red brick ..
"The fountain, designed by German-American architect Adolph Alexander Weinman and constructed i..
"When the Washington Hebrew Congregation begins to align itself with the more liberal Reform mo..