The Southwest Florida Germanic Genealogy Society was founded in November 2006 by local genea..
"Diese Gruppe ist fuer alle, die gerne mal deutsch sprechen moechten und ein paar neue Freunds..
"We are a German dance group (Schuhplattler Gruppe) based in the Orlando area and our Verein wa..
"Pensacola Volksmarch Club is a lively and growing recreation club sponsoring activities for wa..
The Mid-Florida Milers Walking Club is affiliated with the American Volkssport Association. "W..
"The Germania Club as it was first called, was organized on October 25, 1903 with 35 charter me..
"When thirteen persons met in 1951 to organize the German-American Society Friendship of Pine..
The first meeting of the GAFC was held in the summer of 1984 in Englewood at the Little Bavaria..
A German-American social club in sunny Florida...