“Pigtown”, also known as “Washington Village” is a neighborhood in the southwest area of Baltimore, bordered by Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to the east, Monroe Street to the west, Russell Street to the south, and West Pratt Street to the north. The neighborhood acquired its name during the second half of the 19th century, when the area was the site of butcher shops and meat packing plants to process pigs transported from the Midwest on the B&O Railroad; they were herded across Ostend and Cross Streets to be slaughtered and processed.
The blue collar culture of Pigtown began with the individuals who worked on the B&O Railroad and German immigrants who opened butcher shops in the neighborhood. Community organizations have emphasized the importance of the neighborhood’s history and blue collar origin as they rebuffed attempts to rename it Washington Village.
Pigtown celebrates its culture yearly during the Pigtown Festival, which features local food, entertainment and “Squeakness”, a race featuring pigs. The pig race pays homage to the neighborhood’s beginning with the railroad, railroad workers and German butchers.